Job interview


STAR Interview Technique: What Is It and How to Use It?


STAR Interview Technique: What Is It and How to Use It?

by Will Campbell

  • Job interview
  • · October 18 2024
  • · 8 min read
STAR Interview Technique

Table of contents

So, thanks to a well-written CV, you’ve made an excellent first impression. Now it’s time to wow in the interview with stand-out responses ticking all the boxes. Having a method in mind can make all the difference.

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, especially when you’re eager to give answers that truly showcase your skills and experience.

That’s where the STAR interview technique comes in—a reliable approach that helps you share meaningful examples from your work or life experience in a structured, compelling way.

In this article, we cover:

  • What the STAR interview technique is.

  • How to use STAR technique for interviews effectively.

  • Industry-specific STAR technique interview question and answer examples.

Let’s start with a quick look at what STAR stands for.

What is the STAR interview technique?

The interview STAR technique is a popular method that helps candidates answer competency-based interview questions in a structured way. STAR stands for:

  • Situation: Set the scene and give context for your example.

  • Task: Explain the challenge or responsibility you had.

  • Action: Describe the specific steps you took.

  • Result: Share the outcome of your actions, ideally with quantifiable results.

Interviewers like the interview technique STAR because it gives insight into approaching challenges, making decisions and applying skills in real-world scenarios. Using STAR allows you to share your experience in a memorable, straightforward way and relevant to the role you’re applying for.

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How to use the STAR technique for interview questions

Here are five tips to make the most of interview techniques in STAR method when responding to interview questions:

  1. Choose relevant examples: Select situations that are relevant to the job role or showcase transferable skills. For example, for a leadership role, choose examples that highlight decision-making or team coordination.

  2. Be specific and focused: Stick to concise, focused answers. STAR is most effective when it highlights a specific incident, so avoid generalisations. Describe clear, impactful actions and results that paint a vivid picture for the interviewer.

  3. Quantify results where possible: Quantitative data can make your examples stronger. Whether you increased sales by a percentage, reduced errors or managed a project within budget, numbers help show the tangible results of your actions.

  4. Adapt to challenging questions: If asked about failures or weaknesses, apply STAR to demonstrate how you grew from the experience. Emphasise the positive outcome or lesson learned to show resilience and a proactive mindset. Just add an extra ‘R’ for reflection.

  5. Practice for clarity and confidence: It can feel unnatural to talk in such a structured way at first. Run through a few STAR answers before your interview. Practice keeps your response smooth and composed, helping you stay calm and articulate under pressure.

Keep reading for STAR technique interview questions and answers!

STAR interview technique

10 industry-specific examples of the STAR interview techniques

Below are examples using STAR in various fields, with each example adapted to reflect industry-relevant challenges and skills. After each example question, we have provided specific STAR technique interview answers.

1. Example of a healthcare (NHS) interview question + STAR answer

Describe a time you handled an emergency situation.

Healthcare question,

Interviewer from UK

STAR answer:

In my previous role as an NHS nurse (Situation), I was responsible for managing patient care. One evening, we faced a sudden influx of ER patients (Task). I quickly assessed each case, prioritised treatments, and coordinated with the team (Action). We managed all cases within the hour, and patients were stabilised (Result).

Camera Flash

Pro tip

In standardised processes, such as NHS interviews, responses may need to fit specific criteria, like adherence to care protocols or competency frameworks.

Learn more about NHS interview questions and strategies.

2. Example of a technology interview question + STAR answer

Give an example of solving a technical issue under time pressure.

Tech question,

Interviewer from UK

STAR answer:

Working as a software developer (Situation), we had a server outage before a product demo (Task). I identified the issue and led the team in rebooting the system and testing backups (Action), allowing us to proceed with the demo on time (Result).

3. Example of a finance interview question + STAR answer

Tell me about a time you improved a financial process.

Finance question,

Interviewer from UK

STAR answer:

As a financial analyst (Situation), I noticed delays in report generation (Task). I streamlined data collection and automated parts of the report (Action), reducing time by 30% (Result).

4. Example of an education interview question + STAR answer

Describe a successful student intervention you implemented.

Education question,

Interviewer from UK

STAR answer:

I worked with a student who required additional support (Situation) and created a tailored study plan (Task). After regular feedback and progress checks (Action), the student’s grade improved by two levels (Result).

4. Example of a retail interview question + STAR answer

Explain a time you exceeded customer expectations.

Retail question,

Interviewer from UK

STAR answer:

When working as a shop assistant, a customer had difficulty finding an item (Situation). I sourced it from another branch (Task), arranged delivery and followed up to ensure it met their expectation (Action), resulting in long-term repeat business (Result).

5. Example of a construction interview question + STAR answer

Give an example of overcoming a project delay.

Construction question,

Interviewer from UK

STAR answer:

As a quantity surveyor, a supplier delay threatened our timeline (Situation). I sourced an alternative supplier (Task), restructured the schedule and coordinated with subcontractors (Action), finishing the project on time (Result).

6. Example of a hospitality interview question + STAR answer

Share a time you managed a guest complaint.

Hospitality question,

Interviewer from UK

STAR answer:

When working as a receptionist in a high-end London hotel, it was not uncommon for guests to report an issue with their room (Situation). I offered upgrades where possible with a complimentary room service meal (Task). I checked with them later during their stay (Action) and always received positive feedback (Result).

7. Example of a engineering interview question + STAR answer

Describe a problem-solving situation you encountered.

Engineering question,

Interviewer from UK

STAR answer:

As an electrical engineer (Situation), I found a fault in the circuit design of a new communication system (Task). I researched a more durable component, proposed the solution to team leaders and proactively ran tests (Action). The solution was implemented, saving the project time and cost in the long term (Result).

9. Example of an administration interview question + STAR answer

Tell me about a time you organised a major event.

Admin question,

Interviewer from UK

STAR answer:

As an admin event manager, I coordinated a company-wide seminar (Situation). Managing schedules, arranging venues and handling logistics (Task). By creating a clear event plan and well-communicated lines of delegation (Action), I ensured a smooth event that received positive feedback from attendees and sponsors (Result).

Describe how you handled a challenging case.

Legal question,

Interviewer from UK

STAR answer:

In my last paralegal role (Situation), we had a complex contract dispute with tight deadlines (Task). I organised our materials, set a submission timeline, and gathered missing documents from the client (Action). This helped us meet all deadlines and secure a favourable settlement without going to trial (Result).

Camera Flash

Pro tip

Prepare a thoughtful question for the end of the interview about the company or role. This shows your interest and engagement.

STAR technique competency-based interview examples

For competency-based interviews, STAR is especially effective. Competency-based questions often focus on soft skills like teamwork, communication, leadership and problem-solving, giving the interviewer a clear sense of how you’ve used these competencies in real scenarios.

Here are a couple of Star technique interview examples that can be tailored to meet specific competency requirements:

1. Teamwork STAR interview technique question and answer

Can you tell me about a time you worked effectively within a team?

Legal question,

Interviewer from UK

STAR answer:

In my previous role as a project manager (Situation), we were working on a tight deadline project with a diverse team, each member having specific strengths and areas for improvement (Task). To maximise our output, I organised regular check-ins, delegated tasks based on each member’s skills and encouraged open communication for any challenges faced (Action). As a result, we completed the project two days ahead of schedule, with fewer revisions needed (Result).

2. Communication STAR interview technique question and answer

Describe an instance when you communicated complex information.

Legal question,

Interviewer from UK

STAR answer:

As a data analyst (Situation), I was responsible for presenting monthly data insights to non-technical clients (Task). I prepared a simplified presentation, using visuals and relatable examples to clarify technical terms (Action). The clients were highly engaged and appreciated the accessible approach, leading to their decision to increase our contract (Result).

Behavioural interview questions using the STAR technique

Behavioural interview questions star technique aim to predict future performance by exploring your past behaviours in specific scenarios. STAR helps you map out your answers in a way that illustrates your actions and the results they led to, giving interviewers insight into how you handle various situations.

Here are examples of using STAR for common behavioural interview questions:

1. Handling conflict STAR interview technique question and answer

Describe a time when you faced a conflict at work and how you handled it.

Legal question,

Interviewer from UK

STAR answer:

In my previous job as a customer service lead (Situation), a conflict arose between two team members over their shift responsibilities (Task). I arranged a private meeting with each individual to understand their perspectives, followed by a group discussion where I mediated and proposed a revised schedule to accommodate both parties (Action). This approach helped resolve the conflict and improve morale (Result).

2. Time management STAR interview technique question and answer

Tell me about a time you had to manage multiple deadlines.

Legal question,

Interviewer from UK

STAR answer:

In my role as a marketing manager (Situation), we had several campaigns overlapping with tight deadlines (Task). I prioritised each campaign based on impact, set up a shared project timeline and delegated tasks to keep us on track (Action). Not only did we meet all deadlines, but we also achieved higher engagement than projected for each campaign (Result).

Key takeaways

  1. STAR provides a structured way to communicate your experience: The STAR method allows you to organise your answers, making it easier for interviewers to follow your story and understand the context, actions and outcomes involved in each example.

  2. It highlights your problem-solving skills and adaptability: STAR is particularly valuable for competency-based interviews because it showcases how you approach challenges, adapt to new situations and think on your feet.

  3. Helps you stay calm and focused during interviews: By giving you a framework, STAR can help reduce the stress of answering complex questions, allowing you to stay composed and focused even under pressure.

  4. Improves your ability to answer behavioural questions confidently: STAR helps you map answers in a way that shows interviewers what you did, why you did it and what the outcome was, providing a well-rounded perspective and a look at your career goals.

  5. Makes it easy to prepare examples that are relevant to the job: With STAR, you can prepare a range of answers that align with the job’s required skills and competencies, making it easier to share relevant experiences during the interview.

Dos and don'ts for the STAR interview technique



  • Tailor your answers to the job requirements.

  • Keep your examples concise and results-focused.

  • Practice responses to feel prepared.



  • Choose vague examples.

  • Overcomplicate your answers.

  • Forget to highlight the positive outcome.

Next steps?

Once you are familiar and confident with the STAR method, it’s time to boost your interview confidence and get in the right frame of mind.

Don’t be caught off guard. Prepare for common interview questions. Dive deeper into how to succeed in interviews on the phone, video or Skype interviews.

Make sure you’re well-stocked with good questions to ask the interviewer and don't forget to update your LinkedIn profile to make a great first impression when they search you online too.


What are the five STAR interview questions?

Common STAR interview questions focus on key skills and behaviours. Five examples include:

  1. Describe a time you worked on a challenging project.

  2. Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership.

  3. Explain how you handled a conflict in the workplace.

  4. Describe a situation where you met a tight deadline.

  5. Tell me about a time you solved a difficult problem.

What is the STAR technique in an interview?

The STAR technique is a structured approach to answering interview questions by explaining a specific situation, your task or responsibility, the action you took and the final result. It’s particularly useful in competency-based and behavioural interviews, where interviewers seek real-life examples of your skills in action.

How do I pass the STAR interview?

To succeed in a STAR-based interview, select relevant examples and focus on sharing concrete, measurable results. Practise each story to ensure it’s clear and concise, showing how your actions contributed to positive outcomes. Preparation will help you stay composed and confident, even when faced with unexpected questions.

How to ace an interview in the UK?

In UK interviews, it's essential to be punctual, professional and well-prepared with examples that highlight your skills. Using the STAR method can be especially helpful, as UK employers often favour structured, evidence-based answers. Additionally, researching the company and role, understanding UK-specific interview norms and preparing thoughtful questions to ask at the end can make a strong impression.

How do you introduce yourself in a STAR interview?

Introduce yourself by briefly stating your current role, relevant skills and key accomplishments that align with the job you’re applying for. Keep it concise and focused, using STAR in your answers to specific questions rather than in the initial introduction. This approach sets a positive, professional tone and shows you’re prepared to discuss your experience in depth.

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Updated October 18 2024


Written by

Will Campbell has over 10 years' experience writing for startups, employment, education and global brands. With a rich work history of over 30 part-time jobs, Will has become exceptionally skilled in advising others on how to write an interview-getting CV. When not tapping away at his keyboard, he can be found running or playing the nearest guitar. Connect via LinkedIn

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