
How to List Hobbies and Interests on a CV (With Examples)


How to List Hobbies and Interests on a CV (With Examples)

by Artöm Obenko

  • CV
  • · September 09 2024
  • · 11 min read
Hobbies and interests on CV

Table of contents

When it comes to including hobbies and interests on a CV, the key is to keep it relevant to the job you're applying for. While core sections like education and work experience are essential, it's equally important to pay attention to supplementary sections like hobbies and interests.

In this step-by-step article, we explain how they can tell more about your personality than a long list of skills and qualifications. We also show the best strategies for adding these sections to a CV and present a list of top hobbies and interests per job. Even though it's an optional section, it can still help you set yourself apart from other candidates and make a lasting impression on hiring managers or recruiters.

Explore our array of matching CV templates and cover letter templates to help you streamline your application and discover the best way to list hobbies and interests for CV.

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What are hobbies and interests?

Hobbies are activities that occupy your leisure time, distinct from your working hours. Typically, it takes a few weeks to cultivate a hobby and fully engage with it. On the other hand, interests are deliberate inclinations and passions directed towards specific subjects. For instance, if you have an interest in music, you may delve into studying it, learn a new instrument, or even venture into creating your own musical band.

Check out our related cornerstone article on how to write a good CV, focusing on the must-have and optional sections on a CV.

Starting your career journey? We’re here to support you! Uncover our best advice for crafting a professional CV for a first job!

Should you put hobbies and interests on a CV?

It is optional to list hobbies and interests on your CV. It’s safe to leave them out to save up valuable space for other sections like work experience, skills, education, or others. Nevertheless, this section can add a personal touch to your CV showing hiring managers you’re an all-around person who is adaptable and interested to learn new skills.

Who should include them?

Who should exclude them?

  • Seasoned professionals

  • Job seekers with irrelevant hobbies or interests

  • Applicants for conservative sectors which find them unprofessional

  • Professionals with limited CV space.

To strategically incorporate hobbies and interests into your CV, refer to our related articles on crafting a CV with no experience or a skills-based CV.

List of top 10 hobbies and interests for your CV

The best hobbies to include in a CV are those that highlight relevant skills or qualities. Hobbies that demonstrate teamwork, leadership, creativity, or problem-solving abilities can positively impact the application process. Engaging in community volunteering or creative activities such as graphic design or writing are all excellent hobbies to showcase on a CV.

See the modern CV example for more inspiration.

1. Volunteering 

Community involvement and volunteering show your employer that you are proactive and seek ways to invest in a cause. You will also learn valuable skills along the way. Lastly, It is a great opportunity for networking and improving your interpersonal skills.

Explore our volunteer CV example for more details and valuable career advice.

2. Learning languages

Speaking multiple languages can improve your chances of securing a job. In today's globalised world, it's crucial to be respectful and have good cultural awareness. You develop strong communication and problem-solving that are applicable in diverse work settings. If you want to pursue a career in journalism, international business, customer service, cabin crew, or translation, this hobby could be a great fit for you.

3. Arts and crafts

The skills you gain in engaging in arts and crafts show your ability to think outside the box and bring new ideas. They can give a competitive advantage by showing you're passionate and creative. Additionally, it's a relaxing activity that shows your patience and ability to destress, giving a deeper insight into your personality.

For more inspiration, check out our artist CV example.

4. Sports

They could demonstrate your determination to achieve results, ability to work in a team, or leadership qualities. Sports also contribute to a healthy work-life balance and promote mental well-being. It also highlights your discipline, ability to perform under pressure and resilience.

5. Blogging

First of all, it is proof of your strong writing and creative abilities. It means you can engage diverse audiences, excel in one niche, and communicate complex ideas in simple language. It also shows you're tech-savvy and able to stay updated on the latest industry trends.

6. Reading

It boosts your knowledge and sharpens critical thinking, analytical, and communication skills. Reading shows you are eager to learn and grow as a person. Moreover, exploring different genres via reading improves cultural awareness and empathy, making you a well-rounded candidate.

7. Puzzle or board games

Playing puzzles or board games improves problem-solving, strategic thinking, and decision-making. It also teaches team collaboration and communication, which are crucial for working with others. Lastly, it's fun and relaxing and could enhance your creativity and cognitive abilities.

8. Learning a musical instrument

Learning a musical instrument boosts memory, concentration, and coordination. It shows dedication and a willingness to learn new skills. Moreover, showing you have musical talents can help you stand out in any field.

If you wish to transform your hobby into a job, consider reading our related musician CV example guide.

9. Photography

It helps you develop creativity, attention to detail, and strong decision-making. It is a way to convey your ideas and emotions and tell stories visually. Additionally, it involves technical skills such as equipment operations, image composition, lighting, and editing software (e.g. Photoshop or Lightroom).

Check out our photographer CV example for more tips and examples.

10. Coding and programming

These skills are highly sought-after, especially in today's tech-driven world with the rising popularity of generative AIs. They show you can solve problems, adapt to new technologies, and ability to think analytically. Lastly, they open up room for career opportunities in software development, data analysis, web design, and beyond.

Refer to our software developer CV and machine learning CV engineer CV examples to learn more.

What sets hobbies apart from interests? 

Although these terms are related, they have distinct characteristics. Hobbies demand a higher level of dedication compared to interests. Interest in something doesn't necessarily mean it will evolve into a hobby. Interests don't require action; instead, you make time for them to pursue. For example, if you aspire to be an architect, you may have an interest in photography, the arts, or modelling. Your hobbies, in this case, would involve capturing street photos, sketching, and utilising software to design.

Examples of hobbies to include on a CV:

  • Playing a musical instrument

  • Cooking or baking

  • Painting

  • Graphic design

  • Woodworking

  • Bartending

  • Community service.

Examples of interests to include on a CV:

  • Fine arts

  • E-sports

  • Stock trading

  • Stand-up comedy

  • Financial news and marketing trends

  • Theatre

  • Music production.

How to put hobbies and interests on a CV 

Here's a guide on how to effectively include hobbies and interests on your CV:

1. Consider their relevance

While hobbies and interests may not be as crucial as skills, work experience, or education, it's still important to evaluate their relevance to your job targets. Focus on including hobbies that showcase skills and qualities that align with the desired role.

2. Highlight transferable skills

Take note of the skills you have acquired through your hobbies and interests. These skills can be as valuable as those gained from work or training. For example, if you enjoy playing team sports, it demonstrates your teamwork and collaboration abilities.

3. Showcase unique strengths

Incorporating hobbies and interests in your CV provides an opportunity to stand out from other candidates. Use this section to showcase some of your unique strengths and passions. It can help create a more well-rounded and memorable impression.

4. Tailor to the job description

Analyse the job description and identify any specific skills or traits that the employer is seeking. If your hobbies and interests align with these requirements, include them in your CV. This demonstrates your fit for the role and can catch the attention of recruiters.

5. Keep it concise

Remember to keep your hobbies and interests section concise and focused. Select a few key activities that best highlight your skills and align with the job you're applying for. Avoid listing too many hobbies, as it may distract from the more essential sections of your CV.

6. Provide examples and achievements

When mentioning your hobbies and interests, go beyond just listing them. Provide specific examples and achievements related to each activity. This adds depth to your CV and helps employers understand the impact you've made through your hobbies.

7. Stay professional

While it's important to showcase your personality, ensure that your hobbies and interests remain professional and appropriate for a CV. Avoid controversial or overly personal activities that may create a negative impression.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively incorporate your hobbies and interests into your CV, showcasing relevant skills and strengths that make you a standout candidate. See the student CV and support worker CV examples for more inspiration.

Where to mention hobbies and interests on a CV? 

To incorporate hobbies and interests effectively, include this section under "Additional Experience." Instead of placing it at the top of your CV, consider positioning it towards the end. This allows the information to be present without overshadowing the essential sections. By reserving it for later, you can elaborate on your hobbies and interests during an interview, if desired. Refer to our article on how to write a good CV for additional information about the different sections of a CV.

Examples of job-specific hobbies and interests on a CV

Below you can find three examples of jobs and corresponding hobbies and interests relevant to each position.

1. Architect CV hobbies and interests:

  • Sketching and drawing

  • Travelling and exploring

  • Graphical modelling.

For more information, check out our related architect CV and architect cover letter writing guides to learn more!

2. Travel writer CV hobbies and interests:

  • Personal blog

  • Photography

  • Language learning.

Consult our writer CV and writer cover letter examples to find more inspiration.

3. Event manager CV hobbies and interests:

  • Organising fundraising events

  • Volunteering for community events

  • Developing invitation letters.

Explore our event manager CV example guide for more examples and tips.

4. IT CV hobbies and interests:

  • Coding and programming (e.g. building apps or websites)

  • Playing strategic games (e.g. chess)

  • Robotics.

Refer to our IT CV example article for more details about information to include.

5. Journalist CV hobbies and interests:

  • Podcasting or hosting a radio show

  • Public speaking or joining a debate club

  • Storytelling via blogs, video or animation.

See our journalist CV guide for more industry-specific tips.

6. Construction or Engineering CV hobbies and interests:

  • 3D printing projects

  • Woodworking

  • Restoration projects for historical buildings.

To learn more, consult our construction CV or engineering CV and engineer cover letter writing guides.

7. Teacher CV hobbies and interests:

  • Playing musical instruments or

  • Craftsmanship

  • Journalling.

See our related teaching assistant CV and teaching assistant cover letter for more valuable advice.

8. Catering CV hobbies and interests:

  • Recipe testing or creation

  • Cocktail techniques

  • Attending cooling workshops or master classes.

Check out our catering assistant CV and bartender CV examples for more inspiration.

9. Personal Trainer CV hobbies and interests:

  • Sports coaching for youth teams

  • Hiking or rock climbing

  • Participating in sports competitions

For more information, see our personal trainer CV example or sports CV example.

10. Finance CV hobbies and interests:

  • Joining investment clubs

  • Simulation games

  • Reading financial news or market reports

Refer to the finance cover letter or finance CV example.

What hobbies and interests should you avoid on a CV?

When deciding which hobbies to include or leave off your CV, consider the impression you want to make on potential employers. Ask yourself if your hobbies and interests are favourable for the job you're applying for.

See our list of hobbies and interests to exclude from your CV at all costs:

  • Extreme or illegal activities: street racing, night parkour running, rock climbing without protection, skydiving.

  • Generic activities: binge-watching TV series, listening to music, walking, web shopping, scrolling on social media.

  • Religious/political hobbies or interests: attending protests, squatting, joining political groups, volunteering for religious communities (unless you're applying for a job in that area).

Key takeaways

When including hobbies and interests on your CV, consider their relevance to the job. Choose activities that highlight transferable skills and experiences related to the position. By choosing the right CV template, you can easily add hobbies and interests that enhance your CV. By following these guidelines, you can effectively leverage your hobbies and interests to enhance your CV and showcase your strengths as a candidate.



  • Elaborate on hobbies and interests in your job interview or cover letter.

  • Save space for more important sections and include the 'Hobbies and Interests' section towards the end of your CV.

  • Highlight transferrable skills or completed projects gained from your activities.



  • Avoid extreme or controversial hobbies and interests that may raise concerns or make you look unprofessional.

  • Include irrelevant hobbies and interests that do not bring value to your CV.

  • Write lengthy descriptions of your hobbies and interests, taking up too much valuable space.

Hobbes and interests CV final tips

Next steps?

We have all the tools and resources you need to build your CV easily. If you’re stuck and need help reviewing a CV, contact our experts at CV Writing Services. We help you every step of the way by tailoring your CV to a specific job and selecting the right skills! Additionally, we provide a collection of diverse cover letter templates you can customise based on your career goals. Lastly, for an extensive list of examples suitable for the UK job market, refer to our CV examples.

Additionally, ensure to check our related article from our career blog:

Enhance your CV with hobbies and interests

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What are the benefits of adding hobbies and interests to a CV?

Including hobbies and interests can strengthen the CV of someone with little to no work experience. Firstly, it showcases interests that look beyond work experience and education. Adding hobbies and interests helps build a more personal connection with the employer.

Additional benefits of adding hobbies and interests:

  • Displays your eagerness to learn new skills.

  • Demonstrates your ability to adapt while striving to achieve the best results.

  • Shows off your problem-solving, analytical or creative skills.

  • Proves that you’re ready to commit to your goals or stick to your routine.

  • Makes you stand out from the rest by making your CV more personal.

What are the common mistakes to avoid when adding hobbies and interests to a CV?

Including hobbies and interests on a CV can have a reverse effect on your application. Here are some expert reasons as to why you should leave them out:

  • They are irrelevant to the position you are applying for.

  • They could take up unnecessary valuable space on your CV that could have been used for relevant information like education and work experience.

  • They might sound unprofessional to recruiters or hiring managers.

  • They can be used against you as an employer might not like the sound of your hobbies or interests.

What are the common hobbies and interests in the UK?

Common hobbies and interests in the UK range from sports like football and golf to creative activities such as painting and music. Popular outdoor hobbies and interests include hiking, gardening and fishing. Lastly, hobbies such as technology, gaming, and social media have become more prominent in recent years.

Do recruiters read hobbies and interests?

As a rule of thumb, recruiters or hiring managers would pay attention to your hobbies and interests if they seem like a match for the position you're applying for and, importantly, - if you've included all the other must-have sections in your application. Take note of the main keywords from the job profile section and add them to your CV where applicable. It gives a glimpse into your personality, creating a good basis for the last talk in interviews.

Can you put games on a CV for hobbies?

You can put games on a CV for hobbies if it is relevant to the job you are applying for. If the games are directly related to the job you are applying for or demonstrate specific skills like strategy or teamwork, it is acceptable to mention them. However, it's crucial to exercise caution and consider the employer's perception, as some may not view gaming as a desirable or professional hobby.

Can I put going to the gym as a hobby on my CV?

Yes, you can think of a gym as a hobby on a CV. We recommend including it only on a CV if you’re passionate and committed. During the job interview, you can elaborate and mention going to the gym five days a week, demonstrating consistency and dedication to your goals. Instead of saying ‘going to the gym’, highlight specific achievements such as winning a competition or fitness coaching.

Is travelling a good hobby for my CV?

Travelling can be a valuable hobby to include on your CV, especially if it aligns with your target job or industry, such as a travel agent. It can demonstrate cultural awareness, adaptability, and a global perspective. Additionally, travelling can showcase skills such as planning, budgeting, and problem-solving and the ability to communicate effectively in diverse environments.

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Updated September 09 2024


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Artöm is your go-to Content Specialist committed to assisting job seekers globally. Through his engaging blog articles and in-depth guides, he's on a mission to make your career journey a breeze. Artöm is passionate about SEO, design, and all aspects of marketing, delivering expert advice that resonates with diverse audiences. Beyond work, you can find him practicising Kung Fu, travelling, reading a book, or enjoying the company of his beloved black cat. Try it now

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